Tristan Thompson Rumored to be Back With Baby Mama #1

What’s old is new again?

Tristan Thompson met Jordan Craig back in 2014 and they were together for about two years. Thompson and Jordan split sometime in 2016, but the exact time is not 100% clear. Thompson started seeing Khloe Kardashian in August of that year but has always been adamant that he and Jordan had already broken up before they got together.

A few years later Tristan spoke about the rumors he cheated on Craig with Khloe:

He tweeted, “When I met Khloe I was SINGLE. The negative comments that are constantly being directed towards her are unnecessary”

“She does not deserve all this backlash for my wrongdoings. Both Khloè and Jordan have been nothing but great mothers to my kids.”

Now it appears Tristan may be back with his old flame. Craig was spotted at one of his games.

See the comments below:

Earlier this year a paternity test revealed that Thompson has fathered another child with fitness instructor Maralee Nichols.

That means he’s currently juggling three kids from three baby mamas.

Just imagine if we could talk about Tristan’s basketball prowess rather than his off the court stuff…That’s not happening.

Check out more of Tristan’s  #1 baby mama below:

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