A-Rod Spotted at Final Four With Mystery Blonde

A-Rod is back on the prowl.

The 46-year-old has also been working on his businesses with A-Rod Corp instead of dating, although A-Rod has been spotted with a possible new girlfriend.

Over the weekend A-Rod was spotted at the Final Four, taking in College Basketball’s biggest weekend. He was spotted with a blonde, who may or may not be the blonde he’s been recently spotted with.

See the pic of A-Rod at the Final Four below:

Hard to tell if that’s the same girl A-Rod has been dating or just a new girl.

That’s definitely A-Rod.

Back in August, Rodriguez said that he had no regrets about his split from Lopez.

“Everything happens for a reason,” he said.

“All of those things that have happened, I think I have done a good job at learning from my lessons and then applying them in the future. So like I said, no regrets.”

A-Rod is living his best life since his split with J-Lo.

You can check out more  of the girl A-Rod has been seeing  below:

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