Chris Sale Explains His Triple-A ‘Temper Tantrum’ Meltdown

It was a rough week at the office for Chris Sale.

After a difficult Triple-A start for the Worchester Red Sox, cameras caught Sale angrily destroying something in the clubhouse. In an on-field interview with reporters on Thursday, Sale responded to any blowback from the video. Let’s just say he wasn’t feeling too bad about his meltdown.

“I acted like an idiot last night, and I’ve acted like an idiot before … It happens, right? I wouldn’t be here without [emotion] … It’s who I am. It’s what makes me a big leaguer. It’s what makes me good at my job.”

But how does he feel about being filmed while showing no regard for inanimate objects?

This is what makes sports so amazing, the rules of normal society just don’t apply.

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