Beef Between Chris Paul, Ref Escalates Following Loss

Chris Paul never mentioned referee Scott Foster by name last night, but the two have some serious history, including last night’s game. Paul has lost 11 straight playoff games over four different teams that Foster has officiated, and he wanted everyone to know that he’s been keeping count, and pretty much placing the blame of the loss on the ref.

Paul talked about it during the presser:

Back in 2018, Foster hit up CP3 with a technical foul with under five minutes left in a game against the Portland Trail Blazers. Paul called him out after the game:

“Yeah, Scott Foster at his finest. You know what I mean? He just never fails. Some of them, you can [communicate] with. You’ve just gotta figure out who you can and you can’t. I got a tech tonight. I’m over there with [referee Courtney Kirkland] saying, ‘That’s Scott, that’s Scott,’ and I got a tech. That’s history there. He the man. That’s who they pay to see.”

He also clashed with him in another separate incident:


And another one below:

“It’s crazy. This has been going on in the bubble – like the replays,” Paul said via NBC Sports. “They show the replays sometimes so that, obviously, it’s an advantage if you get to see the replay and then you challenge.

“So, myself, I dropped down to tie my shoe up to hopefully see if we see the replay. Scott Foster walked over to me and told me, ‘Chris, you ain’t got to do that. I got them sweeping up the floor.’ OK, cool. So, I start tying my shoe back up, and he still calls delay of game. That s*** don’t make no sense. But I don’t know. That’s crazy. He just – I don’t know.

“We could’ve won the game, but that situation – the league knows. Yeah. They’re going to fine me. I said his name. Yeah. We already know the history.”

Paul didn’t mention Foster by name last night, so there’s a chance he’ll avoid getting fined.

Smart move not calling him out by name.

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