Kevin Garnett’s Love Child Confirmed

Former NBA superstar Kevin Garnett has been keeping busy the last few years. He significantly raised his profile in a starring role in the Adam Sandler movie Uncut Gems earlier this year.

The man known as The Big Ticket has also kept pretty busy in his love life after recently divorcing.Β  KG is rumored to be currently seeing IG model Kristen Franchy.

Garnett and Kristen were spotted at an Art Basel event back in 2019.


Here is where it gets messier though.

Garnett has been rumored to have a baby with @youluverica. May have been the reason for the divorce.Β  The child is around 2 years old and they are starting to both post about the girl, which was kept very private up until now.

See below:


Kevin Garnett's Love Child Confirmed Kevin Garnett's Love Child Confirmed

Now his child with Erika has been confirmed. The daughter has her very own IG page:

Glad to see KG is starting to acknowledge his daughter, hopefully he gives her account a follow.

You can check out more of Garnett’s baby mama below:

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