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Top Athlete Reactions From Last Night’s Presidential Debate

Last night’s Presidential Debate was widely considered as one of the biggest shit shows of all time. I’m not going to lie, I turned my TV off after a few minutes of listening to 10 minutes of incoherent yelling.

Apparently many athletes on Twitter agreed with me. Here’s what they were saying.


One of the biggest moments of the debates was when Donald Trump was given an opportunity to denounce white supremacy, and danced around the topic. Trump merely said “stand by” to the Proud Boys (a dangerous white nationalist group).

A lot of athletes found humor in how jumbled and disorganized the entire debate was.

Hassan Whiteside was so fed up with the debate that he wants to move out of the country….to Hawaii.

Someone might have to break the news to Hassan that Hawaii is still the United States.

In all seriousness though, if the debate proved one thing it’s that people should probably vote.