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This Dog Crossing the Street is Exactly What the Internet Needs Right Now

Dog Crossing Street


Just look at this fucking dog crossing the street. This is like the Philip Rivers’ throwing motion of dogs crossing the street except it’s rather enjoyable instead of completely grotesque. You just think to yourself, “How did this happen and how does it continue to exist?”

Why does this Schnoodle look like it’s about to break out the Macarena every time she crosses the street? Was she trained to do this or is this just a natural thing that this dog and only this dog does every time she crosses the street? Has she done this since she was a puppy or did this just start randomly in an attempt to become TikTok famous? Does she only do this at crosswalks or whenever she crosses the street no matter what? Lots of questions.


Maybe she saw all those teenagers getting TikTok famous with stupid dances, and was like, “Fuck it, we’re doing this.”

Now if you look closely, you can see the owner give a slight tug of the leash upwards as they approach the crosswalk. This is a dead giveaway that this is a coordinated effort. Despite this, I’m going  about the rest of my day ignoring that and thinking that this is a completely natural occurrence by this good dog in an attempt to one up every dancing TikTok teenager.

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