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Ron Rivera Rips ‘F-king A-holes’ Spreading Misinformation about the COVID Vaccine

Washington Football Team head coach Ron RIvera pointed to his medical history as one of the reasons he's "beyond frustrated" with the unvaccinated players

Washington Football Team head coach Ron Rivera has made his stance on the COID vaccine very clear. He thinks all of his players should take the shot, and he has expressed disappointment with those who are reluctant to do so.


On Monday, Ron Rivera had some more things to say about the vaccine.

Specifically, Rivera has had enough of the people who are currently driving up the hysteria centered around the shot by spreading lies and misinformation all over the internet.

“You got some, quite frankly, f–king a–holes that are putting a bunch of misinformation out there, leading people to die,” Ron Rivera told Sports Illustrated as the NFL continues to incentivize players to receive the jab before its second season in the pandemic. “That’s frustrating to me, that these people are allowed to have a platform. And then, one specific news agency, every time they have someone on, I’m not a doctor, but the vaccines don’t work.

“Or I’m not an epidemiologist, but vaccines are going to give you a third nipple and make you sterile. Come on. That, to me? That should not be allowed.”

Ron Rivera recently beat cancer, making him “at risk” as it pertains to the COVID-19 virus.

Rivera’s sentiment about the vaccine has been reciprocated by the NFL, who has put rules in place to strongly encourage their players to take the shot.

So far, several players around the league have said they were not planning on receiving the vaccine until they saw all the NFL’s rules and mandates.

No matter what the reasoning may be, Ron Rivera will be happy to see players around the league getting vaxxed up.

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