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Prince Playing Basketball in High Heels is a Story You Must Read

Prince high heels

A Story of Prince playing basketball in High Heels is what everyone needs. Prince was once a high school basketball player growing up in the Twin Cities. Minneapolis Star-Tribune reporter Libor Jany dug through the newspaper’s archives and found at least two mentions of Prince. Prince played for Bryant Junior High and Central High and was a member of one of the school’s best-ever teams.

He was an excellent player:

Of course there’s the legendary Chappelle Show skit in which Charlie Murphy tells a fictional story of the night he met Prince,and was invited to participate in a pick-up basketball game.

Chappelle's Show - Charlie Murphy's True Hollywood Stories - Prince - Uncensored

Now Prince’s basketball legend grows even larger.

Via Page Six:

“Kerry Gordy told Page Six that he once got to play against the “Purple Rain” star and witnessed the late Minnesota music legend’s famous skills as a baller — albeit with a bit of a self-inflicted handicap.

“He was slipping a little bit with his high-heeled shoes on,” said Gordy, who goes by KG. “I don’t know how he did it. I guess he was playing on his tippy toes because, you know, running in high heels is a nightmare. But anyway, he was amazing.”


Prince was a different kind of baller.

Who doesn’t love a great Prince basketball story…

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