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Minneapolis Dude Missed The Gym So Much That He Hopped On A Planet Fitness Elliptical During Their Looting

Minneapolis Dude Missed The Gym So Much That He Hopped On A Planet Fitness Elliptical During Their Looting

There’s a lot of unfortunate stuff that’s gone on in Minneapolis this week. Riots and looting and a lot of raw emotions have left portions of the city in complete disaray

So while normally I’d say “Hey, let’s keep out of the gyms for the sake of all the other horrific things we have going on across the globe,” I appreciate this dude bringing some levity to a tough post-Memorial Day run. Everywhere you turn right now there’s something that’s a bummer. And I’m sure that’s doubly so as you wander through the shambles of parts of Minneapolis.

But there’s this intrepid soul going with the full I Am Legend apocalypse high intensity interval training workout. He’s been stuck at home getting as doughy as many of us have been. And he’ll be damned if he lets his quads get one iota softer. He’ll likely be bummed to find he won’t find Planet Fitness’s usual post-workout pizza and bagels lying around (not unlike a rehab that has a crack vending machine in the lobby). But he’s got that burn in. And that’s what matters. Bonus points for doing it without starting a fire as some other looters may have.
