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Malcolm Jenkins Posted A Very Moving, Emotional Response To Teammate Drew Brees’s Interview And You, YES YOU, Need To See It

PREVIOUSLY: LeBron James, Michael Thomas Rip Drew Brees for “Kneeling” Stance

Malcolm Jenkins returned to be Drew Brees’s teammate this offseason after he previously played five seasons alongside him. Jenkins is no stranger to New Orleans or to Brees’ impact on the team and city. He knows that Brees isn’t a bad guy.

But Drew Brees said the wrong thing. Many people have said the wrong thing since the protests began around our nation. That may stir up the kind of people who rail against the “thought police” or make this a political concern. It’s not an attack on Drew Brees. It’s genuine hurt because Malcolm Jenkins, and many of his Saints teammates, want him to be better.

Here’s what fellow Saints player Cam Jordan told Josina Anderson:

Does that sound like anger? Does that sound like someone who wants to engage in a televised political debate? To me, that sounds like a man in Cam Jordan who just wants to see Drew Brees show his teammates, the people of New Orleans, and all of the Black people of America the same love that he’s shown during Hurricane Katrina. The same love he showed with $5 million to Louisiana just two months ago. That’s what people want from him. Not politics. Just concern and support for those around him who make him look good time and time again on a field and off.

Because it’s not about Drew Brees or his grandparent’s experience right now. It’s not about his fear to step outside for groceries and possibly not come back alive. It’s not Drew Brees who has to worry for his child to return home because he could unwittingly “make someone feel threatened”. It’s not Drew Brees who’s been denied opportunities for peacefully protesting injustices against his fellow Americans. It’s not about Drew Brees.

But it is Drew Brees’s battle. Much like it’s Malcolm Jenkins’ battle or Cam Jordan’s battle. It’s about standing up for what’s right and supporting Black people’s right to live and thrive like our country promised all of us. It’s uncomfortable. Things aren’t the rosy picture it can seem like in our little bubbles. And the only way it gets better is to get out of those bubbles and listen to the people around you. They just want you to try to understand and help other similar people to do the same.