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LeBron James Calls Senator Rand Paul’s Bill Stall “Beyond Embarrassing”

LeBron James has been vocal amid the “Black Lives Matter” movement and took to Twitter to quote retweet a disturbing anniversary that happened 100 years ago Monday, June 15.

Rex Chapman responded to this quote RT with the message that Kentucky Senator Rand Paul stalled a bill last week that would make “lynching” a federal hate crime:


LeBron responded to the bill stall by accurately referring to it as “beyond embarrassing:”

I get the history of systemic racism in this country. I understand that some states are just not in the same place when it comes to addressing it in this country. That’s certainly an issue, but also a  reality unlikely to truly change.

This makes no fucking sense, though. Can’t we all agree that “lynching” is bad and should be a federal hate crime. Like I don’t see how this is a debate and how it’s even still a thing. I honestly had no idea that the Confederate flag was still being allowed at NASCAR races in 2020 up until like two weeks ago. It blew my mind.

This is even more mind-blowing. “Lynching” is literally the definition of a hate crime. More incredulous than the bill being stalled is, “How was this bill not already passed?” Here’s Paul’s reasoning behind not allowing the bill to pass,

“The bill as written would allow altercations resulting in a cut, abrasion, bruise, or any other injury no matter how temporary to be subject to a 10-year penalty,” Paul said. “My amendment would simply apply a serious bodily injury standard, which would ensure crimes resulting in substantial risk of death and extreme physical pain be prosecuted as a lynching.”

Yeah, OK.

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