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Jerry Jones Wants Tortured Cowboys Fans To Watch Games In Person

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones revealed that he was a fan of Michael Irvin ripping the Cowboys players who remain unvaccinated

Jerry Jones told reporters on Wednesday that all Cowboys games will be played with fans in attendance. He couldn’t answer how many fans would be allowed considering that Texas has a 50% capacity limit at events right now. The Washington Football team was the most recent team to decide not to have any fans in attendance this morning because luckily for them, they don’t have Jerry Jones in charge.


Like being a Cowboys fan isn’t bad enough, now the owner wants you to risk your life for it? I understand what he is saying about having outside air flow, and I would maybe consider going to a game in a completely outdoor stadium with limited seating, but I think what it comes down to are the smaller shared areas such as bathrooms and lines to get into the game. I also think trying to enforce safety rules like people trying to properly wear masks makes it difficult and more of a problem than it’s really worth. If Jerry Jones thinks the Cowboys get a lot of hate now, just wait until they allow fans and somehow have an outbreak that ruins the NFL season for everyone. Games have been fine without fans, just do the responsible thing and make your sad fans stay at home to watch the regular 8-8 season on television.

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