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Denver Broncos GM Reveals Reason For Russell Wilson’s Contract Extension

Denver Broncos quarterback Russell Wilson talks to reporters at a press conference after an NFL football game against the Seattle Seahawks, Monday, Sept. 12, 2022, in Seattle. The Seahawks won 17-16. (AP Photo/Stephen Brashear)

Russell Wilson got paid following his trade from the Seahawks.

After trading for the Super Bowl winning Quarterback this offseason the Denver Broncos decided to give their new quarterback a massive contract extension. After the team’s first 7 games, it seems safe to say that the extension was probably not the best idea.  Today, their general manager discussed the team’s reason  for giving Wilson the extension before he ever played for them, and with 2 years left on his existing contract.

See George Paton’s explanation for Russell Wilson’s extension below:

Wilson is already making the league’s 2nd most money per year in the league and also received the 2nd most guaranteed money. Clearly they figured they would pay the guy they wanted,  and nothing is wrong with that,  but they did it way too early.  Let him cook for you before you shower money on him.

The Broncos gave Russell Wilson a $14 million per year raise for the next 2 seasons and clearly based off how he and the team are performing so far this season, they should demand their money back.

The Broncos probably should’ve waited to see him in the regular season before making such a crazy commitment to Russell Wilson.

Now it’s an uphill battle the rest of the season for Russell Wilson and company.

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