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Congressman Questions Mark Zuckerberg About Twitter Policies

On Wednesday, Congressman Sensenbrenner questioned Mark Zuckerberg about something that happened to Donald Trump Jr. on Twitter. The only problem is that Mark Zuckerberg owns Facebook. So yeah, I would say that he probably can’t speak to company policy quite like Jack Dorsey, Co-Founder and CEO of Twitter probably could. Let that sink in, the House Judiciary Committee was listening to testimony from Mark Zuckerberg and this guy didn’t know who Zuckerberg was and that he didn’t work for Twitter. If I was a resident of Wisconsin’s 5th Congressional district, I would be asking for my tax dollars back because this guy doesn’t deserve a salary.

What if Roger Goodell didn’t know who Tom Brady was? Imagine Adam Silver questioning Lebron about winning a ring with the Raptors last season? I’m not saying Sensenbrenner is the commissioner or level of the president but shouldn’t they do a little research before this kind of thing? Just kind of bizarre.

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I wonder what it’s like to be this out of touch, I thought everyone in the entire world knew two things: the difference between Facebook and Twitter, and who Mark Zuckerberg is. Has this guy not seen The Social Network?  What else does this guy not know? And should I even touch on the fact that he thinks fake stories about covid treatments should be left up on social networks for people to make up their own minds? Look what happens when you let people make up their own minds, people like Congressman Sensenbrenner serve 21 terms and somehow make 11 million dollars. The only certain thing is that half of my family is posting on Mark Zuckerberg’s site right this second and yelling about him threatening their freedom to post lies as facts.

I guess the positive news of the day is that this guy found a job as a congressman!

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