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A Cornell Football Recruit Dropped An N-Bomb On Video And His Equally Idiotic Friends Cost Him His Spot On The Team

Cornell football recruit Nate Panza dropped an N-bomb on a snapchat video, which ended up costing his him his spot on the team.

Cornell football recruit Nate Panza dropped an N-bomb on a snapchat video, which ended up costing his him his spot on the team.

Cornell Sun – An incoming freshman and Cornell football recruit who was caught on video using a racial slur will no longer be a part of the team, a source close to the program confirmed.

Nate Panza ’24, a running back from Morristown, New Jersey, said the N-word in a Snapchat video recorded around 1 a.m. Sunday morning.

In the video — filmed by Panza’s high school classmate and incoming University of Richmond student Adam Giaquinto — a third person smokes a cigarette, while Panza is heard off-screen using the racial slur.

The camera then pans to Panza, who says, “Oh wait, you can’t put that one up. You can’t post that. Adam, you can’t post that.”

“Please save it, though,” Panza continues, about the documentation of his friend’s first cigarette.

Giaquinto then says the N-word himself, while also invoking the name of George Floyd, who was killed by police on May 25.

“Now that’s fucked up,” Panza says in response to Giaquinto’s Floyd reference. “Okay, you can’t say that.”

I’m probably more sympathetic to high school and college kids than most people who work in media. They’re mostly savvier than my millennial generation who grew up alongside the internet and they get it just as bad in terms of the scrutiny that comes with that experience. The cyber bullying, the pressure to look or act a certain way, all of that is really tough for the youngest generation of legal adults currently on the upswing.

At the same time, they get the benefit of being able to know better after growing up amidst various waves of cancel culture. And I think you can see that with Nate Panza here. He seems to be just some stoned 18-year-old idiot saying dumb things with his friends. He used a soft N-bomb as a Jersey kid going to Cornell. That’s not cool and he unequivocally should know better.

The sympathy kicks in for me when he sees his crappy friend make some not even remotely funny edgelord George Floyd reference. Even possibly stoned out of his gourd going to town on some Doritos, Nate Panza knows that’s not something to make fun of. He also specifically requests that his friend not post the video. Yet, here we are, watching the video this poor idiot took with his friends that still got shared online. And now he’s down one roster spot on an Ivy League football team and maybe even a place at a top school because of it.

It’s not the most “woke” to say that I feel bad for the handsome white kid who lost a spot on an elite Ivy League school’s football team. But it’s a helpful reminder: Having friends who are pieces of shit can screw you up just as much as being one yourself. This aspiring Danny Woodhead of low-level collegiate football now has to learn that the hard way.

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