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74-Year-Old Famed Tech Guy John McAfee Says Two Quarts Of Whiskey And Three Packs Of Unfiltered Cigs A Day Are His Keys To Health

John McAfee, founder of the famous McAfee software we’ve all had forced upon a PC at some point in life, is an absolute wild card of a human being. If you’re not familiar, he’s a lot like what Dan Bilzerian would aspire to grow up to be if he were just a bit less of a vain influencer try-hard. For whatever “I’m so outlandish’ shtick may come from the Bilzerians of the world, McAfee is that dude.

Even in this absurd claim about drinking two quarts of whiskey and a vintage Simpsons clip’s worth of cigarettes, there does seem to be some science behind what McAfee does.

McAfee explained in a response:



According to McAfee’s likely broscience, he needs the whiskey and cigarettes to give that Acetyl-L-Cysteine its power:

I’m not about to start mainlining chemical compounds alongside whiskey and cigs because a guy on the Internet told me to. But you’ve got to admire the conviction of McAfee’s claims here. He’s a batshit insane type of dude but he’s one that operates with some form of internal logic and research. And he’s been legitimately successful in points of his life that you have to at least wonder. We’ll likely know at some point if he’s right or wrong but, either way, he seems to be covered in his world views: